Take 100% Responsibilities of your Dancing

Pro/am Ballroom Dancing is an absolutely amazing and unique partnership of dance instructor with his/her student. Even thou this partnership is super fun and exitign it is very easy for students to get stuck in the comfort of teachers’ support and develop a “dependency state”. This “state” slows down your progress in dancing.

So… if you are Pro/Am student and you wont to improve your dncing you have to take full control of your learning prosses and become 100% responsible for your dancing.

Here is a list of responsibilities:

Warm-up. Syllabus. Basic Technique. Musicality. Routines. Practice. +two bonuses: Posture and Strong Core. Slowly start working on each of this components. Be patient and consistent. You can do it.


Here is a great piece of conversation with a lot of useful insights for dancers on this topic. “If you don’t own something, you are not in charge”. Be a master of your craft. Star owning you dancing at your current level and work toward improving it.

Good luck.